Environmental policy

Letterworks recognise that the future of the environment is in our hands – we therefore actively promote green methods of production by:

  • Using ecotricity – the wind turbine at Junction 11 of the M4 at Reading is a highly visible icon of this source of sustainable power
  • Operating a paper procurement policy, outlining our preferred use of FSC certified and recycled paper. Not buying paper from unknown sources
  • Our platemaking operation is a chemical free process
  • Using vegetable based inks
  • All offcut paper and packaging is recycled
  • Unwanted office paperwork is shredded and used as packaging
  • Cleaning rags are washed and re-used
  • All waste products are collected by an environmentally compliant service, operating to ISO9002 and ISO14001 standards
  • Printing to requirement, thereby minimising material and energy wastage
  • All equipment switched off when not in use
  • Electrical equipment is disposed of safely at the end of its life