Today is a rather special day for us in the creative arts industry, as it has been declared International Print Day! #IPD19

Here at Letterworks, we want to share our love for print today. Many of us worry about sustainability in this fragile world of ours but I’m proud to say that the print and paper industries of the UK and EU are doing a great deal to keep environmental impact to a minimum. So, here are a few of the environmental facts of the paper industry. They may just surprise you…

Did you know….

  • European forests have grown by an area the size of Switzerland in just 10 years
  • 2 tonnes of paper are recycled in Europe every second
  • 61% find it easier to track their expenses and manage their finances when printed on paper
  • 58% of the European pulp and paper industry’s energy consumption comes from renewable biomass
  • 73% believe reading a printed book is more enjoyable than reading an E-book
  • 77% of consumers believe they should not be charged more for choosing paper bills and statements
  • 69% believe its important to ‘switch off’ and enjoy printed books and magazines
  • The European paper industry has committed to achieving an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050
  • The paper recycling rate is now 72.5%…the highest in the world!
  • 79% of people are most relaxed when reading in print
  • 65% of people surveyed say they are easily distracted when reading on a phone (compared with 21% when reading in print!)
  • Research shows children remember more details from stories they read on paper than stories they read in E-books

Many thanks to the great work from the team at Two Sides for their tireless work enlightening us all and allowing us to share their research with these factographics.

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Opening hours of business:

Monday – Friday: 8.30am-6pm

Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED

We are 2 miles West from the centre of Reading. Please feel free to drop in and see us, but if you would like to speak about a larger project please call first to arrange.

0118 960 5555
0208 952 5500
(London Virtual Office)
0800 652 0455
65 Loverock Road

VAT: 754 5319 21
Company registration number: 02238446
Registered office address:
The Letterworks Ltd
65 Loverock Road
Reading  RG30 1DZ

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